Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition Australian and New Zealand Standardised Edition (WISC-V A&NZ)

Presenter(s): Amy Schulenburg, Dr Susie Raiford

With the increasing need to conduct assessments via telepractice, many are wondering how to use the WAIS-IV, WASI-II, and WISC-V remotely. Join us for this intermediate-level webinar as we discuss this with Wechsler Research Director, Dr. Susie Raiford, when we will learn the answer to this question and more!

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Presenter(s): Dr Melissa Stephens

Essential information for practitioners wishing to learn more about the use and interpretation of the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V) A&NZ. This session will review changes from the WISC-IV to WISC-V, and discuss how the WISC-V was developed and standardised for the Australian/NZ context.

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