Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II

The MACI-II helps practitioners from a variety of settings assess personality patterns, expressed concerns, and clinical symptoms while its therapeutic focus will assist in making reliable diagnostic and treatment decisions.
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MACI-II: Administration, Scoring, and Basic Interpretation · On Demand · 3.5 Hours
A103000250452 Qualification Level C

This learning track consists of three modules and is approximately 3.5 hours long. Narrated by the test author, Dr. Robert Tringone, this offering includes an overview of the theoretical foundation, development, and standardization of the MACI–II and detailed lessons on administration, scoring, and interpretation of the assessment.

Minimum order of 1 items


AUD 330.00

Training details


This learning is designed for all users of the MACI–II who want to increase their knowledge of the assessment. 

Course Description

This learning track consists of three modules and is approximately 3.5 hours long. Narrated by the test author, Dr. Robert Tringone, this offering includes an overview of the theoretical foundation, development, and standardization of the MACI–II and detailed lessons on administration, scoring, and interpretation of the assessment.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role of assessment in targeted clinical mental health treatment.
  • Discuss the MACI-II scales and their clinical applications.
  • Identify key components of Millon’s Evolutionary Theory.
  • Outline basic interpretive sequence for MACI-II.
  • Use scores on MACI-II Personality Patterns scales to identify treatment goals.
  • Discuss how MACI-II scales are used for integrative assessment.


All participants are required to register on Pearson Clinical to receive a User Level C (used to determine eligibility to purchase this webinar).  


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