Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile

Identify sensory processing patterns in everyday life activities
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AASP & Sensory Profile 2: Using and Interpreting the Sensory Profile in Clinical Practice · On Demand · 3 Hours
A103000314686 Qualification Level B

This on-demand course is designed for users of the Sensory Profile 2 and/or Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile. It includes an overview of Dunn's sensory processing framework, on which the test scores are based, and explains how to interpret the results and use these meaningfully to inform clinical practice.

The course includes case studies presented by test authors Winnie Dunn and Catana Brown to illustrate the translation of theory to practice.

Minimum order of 1 items


AUD 330.00

Training details


This course is designed for all B level users interested in using the Sensory Profile.

Course Description

This 3 hour on-demand training includes an overview of Dunn's sensory processing framework, on which the test scores are based, and explains how to interpret the results and use these meaningfully to inform clinical practice.

This course also includes case studies presented by test authors Winnie Dunn and Catana Brown to illustrate the translation from theory into practice. Participants will have access to this course for one year.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the theoretical framework underlying the Sensory Profile
  • Explain the ways in which the Sensory Profile is similar to and different from other standardized assessments
  • Use an occupation-focused approach to use and interpret the Sensory Profile
  • Analyse the meaning of different score patterns in everyday life
  • Describe how to use data obtained from the Sensory Profile to direct clinical decision-making and strategy formation


All participants are required to register on Pearson Clinical to receive a User Level B (used to determine eligibility to purchase this webinar).