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Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

Test of adult psychopathology

Choose from our formats

  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    5 options

    From AUD 27.94
- of 5 results
Prices include GST where applicable
  • Q-global MMPI-2 Extended Score Report
    63601 Qualification Level C

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    GA - Group Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 27.94

  • Q-global MMPI-2 Adult Clinical System-Revised Interpretive Report
    63600 Qualification Level C

    Settings include: Alcohol & Drug Treatment, Chronic Pain, College Counselling, Correctional, General Medical, Inpatient Mental Health, Outpatient Mental Health

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    GA - Group Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 69.74

  • Q-global MMPI-2 Revised Personnel System Interpretive Report-3rd Edition
    63603 Qualification Level C

    Settings include: Airline Pilots, Firefighters/Paramedics, Law Enforcement, Medical and Psychology Students, Nuclear Power Facility, Seminary Students

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    GA - Group Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 76.56

  • Q-global MMPI-2 Reports for Forensic Settings
    63604 Qualification Level C

    Settings include: Child Custody, Competency/Commitment, General Corrections, Personal Injury, Personal Injury Neurological, Pre-trial Criminal

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    GA - Group Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 96.25

  • Q-global MMPI-2 Revised Personnel System Adjustment Rating Report-3rd Edition
    63602 Qualification Level C

    Settings include: Airline Pilots, Firefighters/Paramedics, Law Enforcement, Medical and Psychology Students, Nuclear Power Facility, Seminary Students

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    GA - Group Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 47.63


Publication date:
Completion time:
60 to 90 minutes
Q-global scoring and reporting; or, Manual scoring
Age range:
18 years and older
Qualification level:

Product Details

MMPI-3 available now

Please note - this product is also available to psychiatrists upon request.

The MMPI-2 is the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology.

The MMPI-2’s normative sample and extensive research base make it the assessment of choice for a wide variety of settings. The test can be used to help:

  • Assess major symptoms of social and personal maladjustment
  • Identify suitable candidates for high-risk public safety positions
  • Support classification, treatment, and management decisions in criminal justice and correctional settings
  • Give a strong empirical foundation for a clinician's expert testimony
  • Assess medical patients and design effective treatment strategies, including chronic pain management
  • Evaluate participants in substance abuse programmes and select appropriate treatment approaches
  • Support college and career counselling recommendations
  • Provide valuable insight for marriage and family counselling

Q-global Administration Options

This product is available on Q-global with the following administration options:

On-Screen Administration (OSA)

Your clients can complete these assessments online through Q-global. Alternatively, your client can complete the assessment in paper-pencil format, and their responses can then be data-entered into Q-global for scoring and report generation. On Screen Administrations are proctored (supervised) unless specifically indicated.



University of Minnesota Press


Pearson Assessments

Dates of Publication:

1989, 2001(revised), updated 2003 and 2009


567 True-False items

Minimum Reading Level:

5th grade (Lexile average), 4.6 grade (Flesch-Kincaid)

Norm Group:

Nationwide community sample of adult men and women consists of 1,138 males and 1,462 females between the ages of 18 and 80 from several regions and diverse communities within the U.S.




Scoring & Reporting

Report Options

Extended Score Report
This report presents the following MMPI-2 scales:

  • Validity and Clinical Scales — profiled
  • Non-K-corrected Validity and Clinical Scales — profiled (optional)
  • Clinical Subscales (Harris-Lingoes and Social Introversion subscales) — scale scores reported only
  • Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales — profiled
  • Content Scales — profiled
  • Content Component Scales — scale scores reported only
  • Supplementary Scales (includes the new PSY-5 Scales) — profiled

Critical items and omitted items are also provided.

The Minnesota Report:  Adult Clinical System-Revised, Fourth Edition

Author: James N. Butcher, Ph.D.

Provides a comprehensive psychological picture of a client. This report presents the following MMPI-2 scales:

  • Validity and Clinical Scales — raw scores reported
  • Superlative Self-Presentation Subscales — scale scores reported only
  • Clinical Subscales (Harris-Lingoes and Social Introversion subscales) — scale scores reported only
  • Content Scales — profiled
  • Content Component Scales — scale scores reported only
  • Supplementary Scales — profiled (includes the PSY-5 Scales — scale scores reported only)

Lists of critical items and omitted items are also provided.

In addition, the report provides an objective narrative assessment of your client’s responses and compares the profile data to data from setting-specific research samples. The settings that are considered in the interpretation are:

  • Outpatient Mental Health
  • Inpatient Mental Health
  • General Medical
  • Chronic Pain
  • Correctional
  • College Counselling
  • Alcohol & Drug Treatment

The narrative report contains the following sections: Profile Validity, Symptomatic Patterns, Profile Frequency, Profile Stability, Interpersonal Relations, Diagnostic Considerations, and Treatment Considerations.

The Minnesota Report: Revised Personnel System, 3rd Edition Interpretive Report

Author: James N. Butcher, Ph.D.

This report presents the following MMPI-2 scales:

  • Validity and Clinical Scales — profiled
  • Superlative Self-Presentation Subscales — scale scores reported only
  • Clinical Subscales (Harris-Lingoes and Social Introversion subscales) — scale scores reported only
  • Content Scales — profiled
  • Content Component Scales — scale scores reported only
  • Supplementary Scales — profiled (includes the PSY-5 scales — scale scores reported only)

In addition, the report compares the profile data to data from occupation-specific research samples and provides occupation-specific mean profiles. The occupations that are considered in the interpretation are:

  • Nuclear Power Facility
  • Law Enforcement
  • Airline Pilots
  • Medical and Psychology Students
  • Fire-fighters/Paramedics
  • Seminary Students
  • Other

The narrative report contains the following sections: Profile Validity, Personal Adjustment, Interpersonal Relations, Profile Frequency, Contemporary Personnel Base Rate Information, Profile Stability, Possible Employment Problems, Content Themes, and Work Dysfunction Items.

The Minnesota Report: Revised Personnel System, 3rd Edition Adjustment Rating Report

Author: James N. Butcher, Ph.D.

This report presents the following MMPI-2 scales:

  • Validity and Clinical Scales — profiled
  • Superlative Self-Presentation Subscales — scale scores reported only
  • Clinical Subscales (Harris-Lingoes subscales and Social Introversion subscales) — scale scores reported only
  • Content Scales — profiled
  • Content Component Scales — scale scores reported only
  • Supplementary Scales — profiled (includes the PSY-5 Scales — scale scores reported only)

In addition, the report rates the applicant on five important work-related dimensions: Openness to Evaluation, Social Facility, Addiction Potential, Stress Tolerance, and Overall Adjustment. Content themes and specific Work Dysfunction items are also reported.

The Minnesota Report: Reports for Forensic Settings

Author: James N. Butcher, Ph.D.

Each report in this series presents the following MMPI-2 scales:

  • Validity and Clinical Scales — profiled
  • Superlative Self-Presentation Subscales — scale scores reported only
  • Clinical Subscales (Harris-Lingoes and Social Introversion subscales) — scale scores reported only
  • Content Scales — profiled
  • Content Component Scales — scale scores reported only
  • Supplementary Scales — profiled (includes the PSY-5 Scales — scale scores reported only)

Lists of omitted items and Head Injury items (Personal Injury Neurological setting only) are also provided.

In addition, this report series is customised for six forensic settings. Each of the reports provides an objective narrative assessment of your client’s responses and compares the profile data to data from setting-specific research samples. The settings are:

  • Child Custody
  • Personal Injury
  • Personal Injury (Neurological)
  • Pre-trial Criminal
  • General Corrections
  • Competency/Commitment

The narrative includes the following sections: Profile Validity, Symptomatic Patterns, Profile Frequency, Profile Stability, Interpersonal Relations, Mental Health Considerations, and Setting-Specific Considerations.

MMPI-2 Hand-Scoring Kits

In the Items & Pricing tab are the prices for our conveniently packaged hand-scoring introductory and reorder kits of the MMPI-2. The Hand-Scoring Introductory Kit includes all the materials necessary to administer and score 50 MMPI-2 protocols:

  • A copy of the revised edition of the MMPI-2 Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation
  • A copy of the RC (Restructured Clinical) Scales Test Monograph
  • A choice of 1 reusable hardcover test booklet or 10 reusable softcover test booklets
  • Reusable Answer Keys (plastic templates) for all 121 standard MMPI-2 scales
  • 50 Answer Sheets
  • 50 Profile and Record Forms for all 121 standard MMPI-2 Scales
  • Tote Bag for carrying and storage
  • K-Corrected and Non – K Corrected Validity and Clinical Scales (19)
  • RC (Restructured Clinical) Scales (9)
  • Clinical Subscales (31)
  • Content Scales (15)
  • Content Component Scales (27)
  • Supplementary Scales (20) 

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