Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD
Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD, is well known for her work in the area of language disorders. Over the past 40 years, Dr. Woolfolk has been a primary teacher, a teacher of children with reading and learning disabilities, a speech and language pathologist, a university professor, and a university administrator, as well as a researcher, lecturer, author, and test developer. She has received numerous awards for her accomplishments, particularly for excellence in teaching and for community support of agencies specializing in language disorders.
Dr. Woolfolk is author of two university-level books: An Integrative Approach to Language Disorders in Children (with Dr. Joan Lynch) and Theory, Assessment and Intervention in Language Disorders: An Integrative Approach. She also wrote a clinician resource book, Learning to Read, which provides basic information about the role of oral language development in reading success.
She has previously developed four widely used tests for assessing language disorders in children: Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS), Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language and its revisions (TACL, TACL-R and TACL-3), Carrow Auditory and Visual Abilities Test (CAVAT), and Carrow Elicited Language Inventory (CELI).
She has served as editor of the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, has written several book chapters, and has had many articles published in professional journals. She has served on numerous committees of the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association and of the Texas Speech & Hearing Association, having served as president of the latter organization.
Dr. Woolfolk earned an MA in educational psychology from the University of Texas, a PhD in speech pathology from Northwestern University, and did postgraduate work in linguistics at Indiana University. She founded the Harry Jersig Center for Communication Disorders and initiated the master's program in speech and language pathology at Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio. She later served as vice president of that university. She headed the Communication Disorder Program at the University of Texas and the Speech Pathology Program at Baylor College of Medicine's Department of Otolaryngology.
Dr. Woolfolk has been a member of numerous professional associations and has served on boards of directors of academic institutions and community agencies. Most recently as a volunteer she has raised endowment funds for the Houston School for Deaf Children, the College of Communication at the University of Texas, and the Harry Jersig Center for Communication Disorders.