Achilles N. Bardos, PhD
Achilles N. Bardos, PhD, is Professor of School Psychology at the University of Northern Colorado. He earned his elementary school teaching certificate in Greece. Following his studies at Wright State University (BS, Psychology), Ball State University (MA, Educational Psychology), and The Ohio State University (PhD, School Psychology, Research Methods), he held a two-year appointment (1988–1990) in the school psychology program at Alfred University in New York.
Since 1990, he has been a faculty member in the Division of Professional Psychology at the University of Northern Colorado. His teaching and research interests include intelligence, psychological and educational assessment, measurement, computer applications in psychology, program evaluation, and evaluation of psychological services.
He has published many articles, book chapters, and presented over 100 papers and workshops at national and international conferences. He co-authored the Draw A Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance (by Naglieri, McNeish, and Bardos, published in 1991). Dr. Bardos is a co-author of the GAMA® (General Ability Measure for Adults) test. In addition, he has consulted in the development of other intelligence and personality tests.