In the majority of cases, the customer purchasing an assessment is also the qualified user that will administer the assessment. The ability to purchase an assessment depends on that customer’s individual qualification level.
However, in some cases purchasing agents, administrative assistants, financial officers, etc. may need to purchase assessments on behalf of a qualified user who will ultimately administer the assessment. These purchasers may not hold the required individual qualification level necessary to checkout with the required assessment products. In these cases, a customer can opt to purchase on behalf of another qualified user instead of themselves.
To purchase on behalf of a qualified user, both the purchaser and qualified user must have their own website accounts and both also be associated/linked to an organisation level account (clinic, hospital, school, etc.)
Customers can belong to one or more organisation accounts allowing purchasing on behalf of other qualified users in those organisations. For those customers who belong to multiple organisation accounts, you must switch between organisation accounts to access the qualified users tied to those organisations. You can switch organisations at login, in the top right menu, or in checkout. You can learn more about organisation account processes on the organisational accounts page.
Once approved and linked to an organisation(s), a purchaser may then add items to their cart above their individual qualification level but not exceeding the highest qualification level of any individual within their organisation.
During the checkout process the purchaser will be prompted with a qualification screen requesting a qualified user. The purchaser can either select a linked qualified user or add a new qualified user from their organisation by entering their email. Please remember, the qualified user must already have a website account and be connected to the same organisational account for you to purchase on their behalf. Customers can not purchase on behalf of others who are not linked to the same organisational account.
Once an appropriate level qualified user is selected the purchaser will be able to finalise their checkout.