Independent Living
With the rapidly increasing aging population and growing pressure on public service to provide quality care for the growing number of elderly citizens, there is a pressing need to find ways to support independent living and participation at home.
For example, early development of adaptive skills among elderly citizens to optimize independence; early identification of areas of need, and strategies to address this; evaluate capacity to live independently and provide performance-based results for monitoring strengths and need, in domains such as:
- Memory and orientation
- Managing money
- Managing home and transportation
- Health and safety
- Social adjustment
Pearson has the tools to support healthcare professionals working with ageing populations.
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Adaptive Behavior Assessment System 3rd Edition
The ABAS-3 is a highly regarded assessment that gives a complete picture of adaptive skills across the life span
The Independent Living Scales
The ILS is a reliable standardised tool that helps determine the extent to which adults can care for themselves and their property, and it identifies the most appropriate living setting for adults experiencing a decline in cognitive functioning
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition
The Vineland-3 is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities
Wellbeing Evaluation Scale
The WES is a brief, self report measure designed to measure wellbeing in older people (age 55+)
The Quality of Life Inventory
The QOLI® efficiently measures 16 areas of life satisfaction to inform pre-and post-surgical treatments or services