ADHD in Adolescents
The conventional wisdom until the 1980's was that only young kids had ADHD and that children outgrow the disorder when they reached puberty. Now we know that ADHD is often a lifetime condition, and ADHD symptoms in teens are fairly common. Scientists haven't found a cure for ADHD but with proper treatment the disorder doesn't have to get in the way of pursuing one's passions, living a happy life, and being successful in work.

Home functioning
On average, households of adolescents with ADHD have higher levels of parent-teen conflict than households with teens who do not have ADHD. Symptoms associated with ADHD such as difficulties with organisation, forgetfulness, and thinking before acting may make parents reluctant to give teens the freedom they desire.

Inattention and impulsivity in ADHD can lead to more tickets and more accidents due to slower/variable reaction time and more impulsive errors. The use of stimulant medications when prescribed by a medical professional has been found to have positive effects on driving performance. Teens should always follow safe driving habits, such as using a seat-belt, observing the speed limit, and avoiding distractions such as the use of mobile phones and eating while driving.

Social functioning
Relationships become increasingly important. Friendships are changing as adolescents become interested in dating, and may encounter more significant peer pressure. Teenagers with ADHD report that they notice that they tend to be more easily frustrated or more emotionally sensitive than others their age. Participation in sports, clubs, or youth groups can provide emotional and physical outlets with a built-in social group and shared positive experiences.

Academic performance
High school comes with more demands to juggle and less supervision. Academically, the workload and difficulty of the material increases, and long-term projects rather than daily homework assignments are the norm. Teens often benefit from assistance with note-taking, study skills, and organisation/time-management training.
Other conditions in the teen years
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