Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, 3rd Edition

  • Wayne Adams, PhD
  • David Sheslow, PhD
Measures short- and long-term memory and the ability to learn new material in children and adults.
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WRAML-3: Administration, Scoring & Basic interpretation · On Demand · 5 Hours
A103000314688 Qualification Level C

This on-demand session is designed for new users of the WRAML3 and users who would like comprehensive information on subtest administration, scoring, and the basic interpretation of results.

Minimum order of 1 items


AUD 330.00

Training details


This course is designed for Psychologists

Course Description

This on-demand 5-hour session describes and demonstrates administration and scoring of the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML3) subtests and basic interpretation of the results. Using a sample administration and a case study, the presenters demonstrate how to use WRAML3 results to identify memory strengths and weaknesses and to develop and implement relevant instructional recommendations. Participants will have access to this material for 12 months.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the conceptual structure of the WRAML3
  • List the different aspects of memory assessed with the WRAML3
  • Describe administration directions for WRAML3 subtests
  • Calculate subtest raw scores and derive scaled and standard scores
  • Calculate discrepancy analyses and process scores
  • Explain the interpretive process for WRAML3 results
  • Demonstrate how WRAML3 results can be linked to instructional recommendations


All participants are required to register on Pearson Clinical to receive a User Level C (used to determine eligibility to purchase this webinar).  


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